The Vision
Sotfware Functionality
Academic Records
Student Accounts
Financial Aid
Student Retention
Web Portals
Student Life Records
Alumnni Records
Constituency Relations
Human Resources
General Functionality
Technical Specifications
Community Open Source
Really Technical Specs
Registration/Academic Records (Traditional & Non-Traditional Students)
Management and coordination of Courses, Classes, Student Schedules, Degree Majors, Degree Track, Degree Audits, Cohorts, Programs, Classrooms, Faculty data, etc.
Classes, Final Exams, and Classrooms are automatically scheduled and analyzed.
A Variety of information on student records is provided in both printed report and email formats.
Student performance against requirements are tracked and reported through Degree Audit using Registrar, Faculty, and Student interfaces.
Web interfaces allow the online entry of grades by faculty.
Web interfaces allow online class registration by both faculty and students.
Classes can also be organized around cohorts, programs, and class locations.